Shameless Promotion

I may not be a celebrity capable of the kind of endorsement the following people deserve but I want to do something nice for two fellows I know who, like me, are putting their skills to good use and sharing them with the internet community...

The first one is my brother who, a geography teacher, has produced a unique one stop shop on YouTube for everything you ever needed to know about geography, from how to measure a tree without climbing it to the magnificent and recent erruption of Tongariro which my country recently "enjoyed". He's also produced some great clips of our native birds so please, check it out for everything you ever needed to know about New Zealands crazy geological happenings!

Then there's this guy...

Shane Cammell.

Classical guitarist.

He does not need a review - his fingers plucking the strings are worth more than my humble words can project! I've known him for half my life and his musical genius never ceases to please. He even played at my wedding.


Shane has recently entered the Satriani contest and has done something quite unique and rather amazing

Check it out here!

Shane needs to get 5000 "Likes" on his various networks to increase his odds at winning this contest and I believe, personally, that he deserves a hundred times that number.

You can like him on Facebook here


You can like him on Youtube here!


You can even catch him on Sound Cloud!

If you're still not convinced - check this out

Please help me help my friends by following the links above, learn something, love something and feel good about yourself for allowing me to shamelessly endorse these wonderful people to you awesome readers of mine :)


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