Pimp My Twenty Bucks - Part Eleven

Oh look there's the finish line, just over there in the near future where a hundred bucks is waiting for me!

I wonder if I should start taking bets for how many more weeks this is going to take? The idealist in me says one more week but then my internal realist is making sure that the idealist keeps his seat belt on!

Anyone want to place a bet?

Though, as far as this task is concerned, the past week has been a very productive one.

I sold:

Clavell's King Rat for $3
Feist's Murder in LaMut for $3
The Secret Garden for $6
Dune for $6

Thus injecting a further $18 into the exciting process!

Keeping with my system I relisted the 34 unsold books and rummaged through some more dusty op-shop book shelves for eight more bargains to sell, spending a total of $5.50 for new stock which I quickly added to my listings at the cost of $2.40... Bringing my stock up to 42 items!

So with a bit of fanfare I'd like to announce to the world that after subtracting success fees, listing fees and the cost of new product, I now have a grand total of $67.66 with only $32.34 remaining until I tear through that finishing ribbon like a a man running a marathon with very sharp surgical scissors!

Felix just saw that analogy and has himself run away... I think I'll let him think his masculine end is still dependent on the success of this enterprise...

As I have nothing else to mention, except perhaps a raspberry for those who thought I couldn't do this, I might as well mention a few tips I've learned along the way...

If you have a tablet or Smart Phone (or in my case, an iPhone) then find out if there is an App available for the online trader that you are using. There is indeed an App for eBay and I have been making excellent use of the Trade Me application. (see my review about it) This has made for some seriously easy listing and has cut the workload into almost nothing when listing a book is as easy as taking a pic with my phone and "pressing" a few "buttons"...

The other cool thing is, in the case of books at least, I have been taking advantage of Googling the titles of my books to discover that most of the novels I list have synopsis' on Wikipedia or, failing that, other book review sites. I simply cut and paste these into the item description box, with a comment about the edition date and the condition of the book - saves me heaps of time, though I'm not exactly sure if plagiarism is an issue for this sort of thing? Only just thought about that now!

For the time being, we're just going to have to wait yet another seven days to see how far I can stretch that twenty bucks...

Oh, one more thing - I now have a fan page on facebook especially for this series, Click Here to "Like" me!

Click here to read Part Twelve in this series...

Click here to read this series from the beginning!

Click here to check out this weeks listings

Click Here for weird New Age music!

Please show me the love by tickling the "like" button below so all your friends can learn how to make the most of Capitalism while we still have it!


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