This Week in 2009...

Time for my weekly update on stuff and nonsense... and oh darn it its nearly 3 a.m!

I’ll make this quick...

This week I seriously stuffed up at work. It was horrible. I cost the company mega dollars worth of complimentary passes all because I left a teeny weenie little button pushed in on one of the projectors. I’ll spare you the details, but it meant over 160 people missed out on Harry Potter last Sunday night. I’ve been sweating over it since because it was such a stupid thing to do, but I guess I had been up until 4 in the a.m. the previous morning juggling a grizzle guts known as my baby girl who has been playing a game of “Hey mom and dad, I know you’re tired but I’m bored and haven’t learnt how to entertain myself yet so you’re going to have to do it....” and “Sleep? What’s sleep?”

This went on for nearly two weeks. You get to that point where your dream world begins to merge with your reality, where you’re so tired you wish you were the one wearing the nappies!

At last, after receiving three stabbingly awful vaccinations she seems to be sleeping soundly throughout most of the night now, so here I am at 2.20 a.m. writing this rubbish... Vaccinations are horrible things. Its bad enough knowing you’re allowing a total stranger to stab your flesh and blood in the leg with vials containing the actual disease you’re trying to prevent but the cries of pain, bewilderment and share terror coming from your bundle of otherwise joy is gut wrenching, and by gut wrenching I mean having an adjustable spanner thrust into your intestines and twisted around eleven times. Harder when you’re a dad with no food dispensers attached and the only thing you’re good for is bringing up a few burps...

So apart from putting my livelihood on the line and torturing my child the next most interesting thing that happened to me this week was something that didn’t happen to me at all, but rather to my dog who tragically lost his house when a gust of wind picked up his kennel in the middle of the night and sent it who knows where! I’ve looked all over our yard and it is seriously totally gone. I have images of it soaring down the road and sideswiping a cyclist as it went or saying hello to a pedestrian with a sudden thump to the head. So if you find in your tree a light brownish dome that sort of looks like a tent for an Umpa Lumpa, just pop me an email and I’ll come get it, not that my dog really cares, he hated the thing anyway.

So in weeks like these you find yourself needing a good laugh and I got just what I needed when my brother in law sent me this. You can always count on an Aussie to point out the obvious. Let’s hope some of our terrorist foes don’t take this ad too seriously because if they did they would discover that most of it is true...

Finally if you’re still trying to figure out who or what I am exactly then welcome to my world! But thanks to all who have visited my site in recent weeks! This is basically an archive for my thoughts that no longer fit inside my head. You will have noticed that I express some pretty solid Christian views in most of my articles, that’s because I am a Christian with a biblical viewpoint and well, you know what they say, stick to what you know!

Mostly this site is going to be film reviews because I’m a projectionist and on average see about 2 films a week... the only way I can justify such a meaningless pass time is by writing about it. At least then I can pretend I’m getting something out of it... oh yeah, apart from the fact I’m paid to do it...

If you like this stuff then by all means tell all your friends about this place or about my facebook which has more than enough room for a few more friends. That’s where I put my updates if you’re interested...

And now I’m really starting to nod off....

So before I go here is a link to something really stupid. I was doing one of those egotistical manoeuvres when you type your own name into google and I found my review for Transformers 2 on someone else’s blog site! Only they had totally changed the words around so much that I couldn’t understand myself more than usual. In fact if you’re like me and have never tripped on anything stronger than nicotine gum then try reading this, I imagine this is what the hard stuff feels like...

Hopelessly ripped off Transformers review!

Does anyone have any questions?



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