Pimp My Hundred Bucks - Part Twelve or The End is Nigh

The year is ending, the world is ending and my 34th year has ended.

There have been a lot of endings and almost endings this week all round, my allergies are ending because I have overdosed on antihistamines. Whatever patience I had for my four kittens has certainly ended after the last yellow puddle I stood on during a midnight visit to the loo... My birthday cake came to a dismal end tonight, being chomped to death by my hungry mouth. Im not sure which is harder, saying good bye to the year just gone or seeing the end of your birthday treats, not to mention the end of your diet!

But as this day comes to an end I am glad to say there is at least one ending I am looking forward to...

The day I write the last blog of this series and move on to the next - Pimp my $500 when I turn $500 into $1000...

And that end is near...

But not before Christmas, and not until I get back from my holiday.

I'm afraid to say that that's it from me for 2012 as I "close up shop" for the summer so I can play with all of my Christmas presents, wrap myself up in my hammock while pretending to be a mutating caterpillar, eat lots of Christmas ham, drown my taste buds in Australian Fruit while hiding in the shade of a gum tree, watching out for drop bears, pretending to be an Aussie so as to blend into my surroundings, pretending to laugh at sheep related jokes, pretending I like rugby, pretending I haven't had enough of The Wiggles for one life time, reminding everyone I meet that Crowded House is a kiwi import along with Russell Crowe and the Lammington - all the pleasures associated with visiting the land Down Under which is still " up over" New Zealand...

Actually, Im rather looking forward to it.

But before I go here's where I'm at so far...

Between last Monday and Today I have successfully sold 16 titles, making me $70.50!

It seems I was right when I predicted a landslide of customers before the New Zealand summer holidays began... Which is another reason why it is a good time to stop, my next prediction would be no sales in the weeks to come as everyone else in my country goes into hyper-summer-active mode...

Taking into account postage, listing fees and all that Jazz I am left with a great big $285 and only $215 to go until I reach my goal of $500... Pretty good huh!

I actually still have a hundred plus listings coming to an end later this week so there's a good chance I will sell more before Saturday, after which I will have no listings to worry about until late January when I find the motivation to get back into it!

As mentioned in my last couple of articles I have been uploading videos on YouTube like it's a clinical disease in order to increase my Adsense revenue, which has worked a little bit... I'm up to $1.90 this month... But most of my videos are desperate acts of boring so I can't imagine getting very far with them soon...

But over the weekend just past I did get to do something really dorky but awesome for my birthday and visited the set of Hobbiton in New Zealand's Matamata, which also happens to be one of the most unlikely places in the world to have something that cool in it - sorry Matamata, I forgot you do have a petrol station and a MacDonalds as well, which are also cool... And your oxygen is fresher than Auckland's, I'll give you that... Actually, the place is beautiful and I can see why Peter J chose the location, it looks as though Tolkien shook his book over it and out fell The Shire right in the middle of the Bay of Plenty...

In any case, I made sure to videograph The Shire while I was doing the tour and will post part of my adventure below...

And finally I would like to announce, that I have published my first ebook - Pimp My Twenty Bucks: How I Turned $20 into $100, the cumulated blogs of my previous series - now only available at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/265700 if you would like to read it. Unfortunately I have a lot to learn about formatting for ePub, but I'll get round to fixing that AFTER my holiday!

So with all done and said for now and for the rest of the year - Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for reading my blogs! You've been a wonderful audience... Even if you never leave any comments, I can feel the love when I check my stats.

God Bless, and don't forget the first six letters of the season. See you in 2013...

Click Here to read Part Thirteen in this series!

Click Here to view my Silly YouTube Channel

Click Here if you would like to follow my progress on Facebook!

Click Here to read this series from the beginning!

Click Here to read my awesome last series, Pimp My Twenty Bucks

Click Here to view my Trademe Listings

And here's me enjoying the perks of being a nerd!

To fill the vacuum while I am away, please visit workingathomeinternet.com for some great monetary wisdom... see you there!


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