Pimp My Hundred Bucks - Double Your Money

UPDATE: I'm not writing this blog anymore, but please visit my YouTube channel The Vocabuverse and subscribe for more great things to come!

Have you ever felt like there is a concrete brick in your cerebral cortex, prohibiting your synapses from synapsing, thus preventing your thoughts from reaching their final destination because of the heavy traffic now blocking every ally way of your brain?

It’s called writer’s block.

I’m experiencing it now. My subconscious has become the proverbial prisoner behind bullet proof glass while my conscious mind tries to communicate with it via a broken telephone, and he’s just shaking his head and mouthing the words, “What? I can’t hear you?”

It’s most likely because nothing very climactic has engaged me this week, and so I am robbed of any momentous lead in to how the renovations on my hundred dollars are going.

On the other hand I have been sitting at this computer for the past hour wrestling with a sumo-quandary; not being happy with my total I’ve wanted desperately to fudge the numbers somehow so I can honestly brag about doubling my money in an even number of weeks…

But I’m getting ahead of myself… let’s look at the figures and see if either of us gets inspired…

Sorry subconscious, I’ll call you back later…

Over the last seven days I have successfully sold a truly megalithic amount of books compared to all my previous attempts, they were:

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Keysey - $5
Migraine by Oliver Sacks for - $3
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - $5
Homicide by David Simon - $6
Last of the Mohicans by J. Fenimore Cooper - $3
Power of the Sword by Wilbur Smith - $3
Left hand of the Electron by Isaac Asimov - $3
Airframe by Michael Crichton - $3
Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov - $3
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsey - $5
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling - $3
Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchey - $3
Braveheart by Randall Wallace - $5
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 10 - $3
Eagle in the Sky by Wilbur Smith - $2
Dark Stars edited by Robert Silverberg - $3

So I should be a barrel of undulating joy. But I’m not… or at least I wasn’t for a wee bit there…

You see, as awesome as it was to have sold so many books the total amount of sales came to $58… all things considered, listing fees, success fees etcetera, this left me with the totally terrific total of $232.85! Except today I bought another $36 worth of post bags which dramatically decreased that total to $196.85 – only $12.90 more than where I was three weeks ago!

As stink as that feels I have to keep reminding myself that by purchasing the parcel bags this way I am in the long run making about 40 cents every time I post a book and that it only LOOKS like I have less money… it’s a shame my anxiety is so attached to my eyes.

The bizarre thing is so many customers of late continue to opt for picking up the items themselves! As I mentioned last week this annoys me… although I’m not sure why it annoys me so much… it’s probably because I’m antisocial and don’t really want to have too much contact with my customers beyond an email. Don’t they realize the money they spend on getting to my house is probably how much they’d spend on petrol anyway?

I’m not really such a people-phobe as you might think, but the thing that attracted me to this type of business was it suits my cave-manishness and my desire to be able to conduct a money making operation on the fly; as soon as a customer wants to come to my house, I become slightly limited in my movements. Also the state of my letter box is truly appalling, not to mention embarrassing!

But at the end of the day, the more people who say no to delivery, the longer it will take me to make back what I’ve pre-spent on postage costs, and that makes me sad.

Anyway, back to where we started, there I was looking at my $196.85 trying to find the pride I should have felt for my prize, and trying to write the first sentence of this blog when suddenly my dear friend Mr Procrastination tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I know, I have a great idea, why not check your email instead?”

So I jumped at the chance to run away from my self-imposed responsibilities and sought my escape in my inbox and lo and behold an email from Trademe had come for a visit to cheer me up – a customer had sent a request for a fixed price offer on a listing which had just ended!

I looked at the $196 again and knew exactly what I had to do to make the title of this week’s entry true - I offered it to them for $4.

This was quite possibly the only time in my personal history of 34 years that procrastinating actually paid off!

People of the Wolf by W. Michael Gear – SOLD!

And so, within five minutes, I was able to say that I have proven to myself and to anyone else out there who gives a turnip fart, that in eight weeks of buying books from op-shops and selling them on Trademe, I have finally doubled my money. Ta Daaaaaa!

And let's not forget that having only started this journey with 16 books six months ago, I now have over 170 listed on Trademe!

In my last series it took me about three months to turn $20 into $100, but starting with $100 it has taken only eight weeks to make another hundred, and I must say I’m feeling rather pleased about it.

I have of course relisted all of last week’s unsold books and I suppose I will replace the stock I did sell, but for the moment, even if just for today, I’m happy to leave my $200 alone, so I can look at it and sigh blissfully.

Now, I don’t want to give anything away here… something is coming soon… I don’t want to say what it is, in case it doesn’t come, but for now it’s definitely coming… let’s just say I have something up my sleeve…

Until then…

Oh, by the way, once again – Thank You France and thank-you www.workingathomeinternet.com for the more than 300 hits Part Five of this series has enjoyed over the past two weeks!

Pssst – hit the “like” button. Cheers!

Click Here to read my awesome last series, Pimp My Twenty Bucks" target="_blank">Click Here to read Part Nine of this series

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Click Here to read this series from the beginning!

Click Here to read my awesome last series, Pimp My Twenty Bucks

Click Here to view my Trademe Listings

UPDATE: I'm not writing this blog anymore, but please visit my YouTube channel The Vocabuverse and subscribe for more great things to come!


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