Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - a modern hymn

I'm not a huge fan of modern church music. I miss the meat that you got to chew on while singing the old hymns...

Here's one I wrote based on Psalm 139. There is music but I'll have to post that at a later date..

God bless!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Lord you have searched me and you know all of me
you know when I sit and when I rise
before a word is on my tongue you know exatly what I'll say
I'm always found inside your loving eyes

You discern my going out and even when I'm lying down
you are familiar with all of my ways
your magnificent omniscience scares ignorance away
before a word is on my tongue you know exactly what I'll say!

Oh my Father I thank you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made
You knit me together to praise you forever in the light of your glory and grace!

How precious to me are your thoughts Oh God
how vast is the sum of them
were I to count them they would all outnumber
every single grain of sand!

You hem me in behind me and before
you have laid your hand upon my Lord
Such knowledge is to wonderful for me to comprehend
and far to grand for me to attain or understand!

Father I thank you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made
you knit me together to praise you forever in the light of your glory and grace

And night cannot hide me or darkness abide me
your light it shines inside me!
The likeness of your Son is the work you begun in me
and only you can complete!

Where can I flee from your presence?
You're more than the Universe can contain,
encompassing everything contained by nothing
yet ever residing in me!

And if I could fly high beyond the earth's sky
and glide into infinity Lord,
there isn't a place that's hidden from your face
even on the wings of the sun's dawn!

Oh my Father I thank you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!

Oh my Father I thank you because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!

Written by Kerin Gedge, inspired by Psalm 139
Copyright 3 November 2012


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