Wise Words from Shakespeare... and me.

I was reminded of these words this morning. For those of you who have a disregard for Shakespeare let me translate: it's in our nature to overlook a persons finer qualities when they are over shadowed by obvious flaws. So often if there is one thing, or maybe a few, that we don't like about a person we'll completely ignore the few good character traits they may have. My personal stance on Trump is this - I've never met the guy, I don't believe ANYTHING I've ever seen on TV/internet/media so I'm in no way qualified to make a judgement about him. And neither are you. I'm more interested in giving him the benefit of the doubt and judging him by his future actions as president, who knows, maybe he will surprise all of us? I'm not trying to play the devil's advocate here, but I have been disappointed by the natter on Facebook as people have vilified this man as if they actually know anything about him? Well, newsflash, you don't. Everything you know about him or even Hillary for that matter is skewed by agendas, media bias and most likely propaganda. So let's just take a chill pill everyone and thank the good Lord that America is still a democracy.


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