
Showing posts from May, 2012

Quote for the Day

Why be influential when you can be effluential? Kerinthians 1:4

Fatherhood... again...

My daughter turns 3 on the day we celebrate the Queen's Birthday this year. Ok, so I know that it's not the Queen's actual birthday but it does seem somewhat significant that on the day my country celebrates 60 years of ignoring that we actually do have a Queen, I will be celebrating 3 incredible years of adoring this little girl who has been worth more than a thousand monarchs to me. She is definitely of unattainable value. I can't imagine what life was life without her, or her sister come to think of it. Only last week I put on my Wedding DVD and the predominate feeling wasn't nostalgia but the weirdness that non of my kids were there! I asked myself the question even, "Where's my children" before realising I was an idiot. I am greatful to God for entrusting me with these Human lives that have taught me so much about life, about me, about God. There is something complete about being a parent. Something that makes life make more sense. May...

Quote For The Day

I was sitting outside reflecting on something; it was then that I realized that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wear tinfoil! Kerinthians 1:3
Ok, ok, I know! I said I wouldn't blog tonight! I didn't lie exactly... its just I got home past midnight and am so wide awake that sleep can't reach it's arms around me. When my alertness loses some weight and some inches around its waist, as it's bound to in the next hour, I promise I will go to bed... In the meantime I was happy to see that one of my recent blogs is featuring on a blogcarnival at My Wealth Builder  with a few other interesting money related articles by other bloggers in case you want to check it out... And while you do that... I'm going to tear my fingers away from this keyboard and force myself to bed!

Seeing as Blogging today is unlikely.....

My house is cold. I am tired. Standing on my tiled floor as I write this is like standing on a glacier. If I licked the floor right now my tongue would stick to it! So seeing as I don't feel like Blogging right now and my night shift is going to suck the intent right out of my fingers, I'm sure of it... I thought I would share with my readers (surprisingly I do have readers! Just no followers... yet) a link to my Vlog channel on Youtube... Most of it is complete rubbish of course but there are a few gems buried in the debri... Until next time! God Bless!

Quote for the Day

A Christian who doesn't study his Bible, is a like a Doctor who never went to med school! Kerinthians Chapter 1:2

Some Random Middle of the Night Type Thoughts

I was some where else, doing something else, in such a complete sense. My mind was firing signals like a fireworks display whilst I watched the whatever it was in my dreams as I lay like a mucus like paste in my cocoon of a bed. In case the metaphor is lost on you I was soundlessly asleep, snug, escaped, resisting consciousness like a running criminal resists arrest, when suddenly the screams from the room next door woke me up. Those blood churning, echoing cries of my almost three year old in the throws of a nightmare... Naturally I'm usually the one transported from sleep into the realm of semi-consciousness. My wife was built with ear muffs permanently attached to her inner ear it would seem. So like a broken slinky I sort of rise and fall our of my bed and then crumple along the floor to my destination, the kid's room with all its horrors. By the sound of the screams I'm half expecting to discover a kidnapping in progress but thankfully the only felony taking pla...

Quote for the day...

The scientist who says, "There is no God, because I can't put him under the microscope" is like a rat saying, "There is no scientist, because I can't put him under a microscope." From the book of Kerinthians chapter 1:1

26th May 2012 on Planet Me

I feel as if I have just woken up from some kind of cryogenic sleep, like in the opening scene of Alien, I’ve stepped out of my foggy sleep-pod and am now doing the “this steel floor is cold” dance in my space undies. That best describes what coming back to blogging is like after so long of not doing it, the foggy sleepy parts at least, don’t let the metaphor lead you into thinking I’m typing in my undies or doing any sort of dance! Although I would like to own a pair of space knickers, that would be cool I think. The things that threw my spaceship of life off course and away from the blogger-system were pretty straight forward. I became a Dad and then became a Dad again and somewhere in the jumble of all the priorities that went with early fatherhood, my desire to blog got buried under a mountain of soiled nappies, work, and otherwise more important goals. The only time available for me to write found itself the battle ground on which fought my desire to sleep and the often st...

The Blogger App - a Review

I thought seeing as I'm already mucking around with the thing I might as well "text" a quick blog about the blogger app with all it's pros and con... I say Pros because of it's multiple positives such as being able to quickly upload a pic of me doing the magnum pose (or blue steel depending on the angle...) It's also relatively easy to view/delete posts and more importantly posting things is easy to... Though I can imagine using my wife's iPad right now would be much easier with it's superior keyboard... But if you can stand texting with your thumbs then that shouldn't put you off as much as it does me, a t-Rex with an iPhone! I can't speak for other phones but the iPhone 3GS I'm using forces me to write this blog using the smaller keyboard aspect ratio... I would definitely prefer to be able to tilt the phone and increase the length of the keys... But oh well, it's still pretty cool and beggars can't be choosers.... Or can the...

A Pic From My Phone

Putting my new Blogger App to the test...

Pimp My Twenty Bucks - Part One

I want to tell you about a certain love of my life. She is delicate and yet rough enough to have a tattoo on her face, of The Queen. She's not scared to pay for her man (that's me) and my wife is more than happy to allow me the freedom of her company... ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the New Zealand twenty dollar note. She's not that bad a gal to keep in your wallet for a cold day and might even get me more than a couple cups of of coffee. But let's face it, she's lost some of her lustre. Although her plastic nature has kept the wrinkles from her Queen Tattoo I can't quite get her to stretch as far anymore with her financial power. What used to be enough for a paperback novel, 20 litres of gas or my monthly mobile phone bill won't even get me two thirds of that Novel I've been wanting to buy, can only squeeze less than 10 litres into my tank and while it still covers my text messages she only leaves me with 50 mb of data for Interne...

The Demise of the Christian Artist

I was braving the traffic in my trusty steed of a Cefiro, almost upon my destination. Work. That industrial vampire that sucks the life right out of my veins with daily regularity and only my salary as recompense. Not like those “real” vampires that seem to offer perpetual life without end with the slight side effects of needing a coffin for a bed and the eternal misplacement of one’s soul. The Vampire known as “work” rather makes you prefer a coffin and reminds you, for what feels like eternity, that you are destroying your very soul just by being there. So that’s the mood I was already in, which should have been reason enough NOT to be listening to my least favourite talk show. While the choice was mine not to turn the radio on in the first place I didn't have the option to change the station. For some strange reasons the radio in my car hates me enough to allow for a dusting of a few minor AM stations that are either boring or in another language that also happens to be boring...

Children and Pets are Not the Same

As most of my subscribers are aware I am the proud father of two wonderful children. Now recently a friend suggested to me that having pets was somehow synonymous with having offspring! I realized that I've actually heard people say this before, and it also dawned on me that most of these people actually believe what their tongue is suggesting, unaware that if ones tongue could cross its fingers when telling a fib, it would certainly be doing so at the mere suggestion that a Human Child is even remotely anything like a four legged subservient creature that can double up as a mega-city for fleas and would prefer to use it's mouth when washing it's.... well, you get the point.  Nevertheless I still feel compelled to now take you on a journey to explain the spleen bursting absurdity of that belief. Please note these comparisons are for "normal" otherwise responsible pet owners and parents.  T...