Cheeky Little Monkey

The title of this article has nothing to do with what I have to say but was inspired by my wife who is standing there trying to rock my 4 month old to sleep - its not working.

Of course I am being the ever helpful Husband and am sitting here typing away to my hearts content!

I just wanted to touch base with my readership and apologise for my sudden disappearance from the bloggerverse. I wasn't raptured (although I wish I was) but rather my attention was diverted to something a little less creative - a video game. (which is retro slang for computer game) I'm sure to write a review about it sooner or later.

I figured after 3 months of sleepless nights with a new and very loud baby I deserved to spend my tax return on something that allowed me to run around a simulated world and throw whirlwinds and lightning bolts at computer animated maniacs. Probably not the best way to spend my time but at least its mostly out of my system. Needless to say I've been feeling very guilty at the lack of productivity.

Anyway, I did get a chance to think about this site and what I would like it to achieve...

So allow me to share with you my little personal and inspired vision about where I think God is leading me...

If you know me personally you will be aware of the news that I was accepted into Elim Ministry Training College next year! This is very exciting but simultaneously very frightening... but only because its taking a big step of faith into the unknown as my wife and I prepare to relocate from West Auckland to the Eastern Suburbs so I can study at the college in Botany while she returns to work part time.

I will also be doing an internship at my Church, c3 Howick, as part of my course, in which I will learn all the stuff there is to know about how to Do church.

Why? Because I feel called to be a Pastor and that is exactly where I am heading.

Occasionally I get asked to preach at my church and I will advertise when and where I will be speaking on the right hand column of this page. If you are in town I would love for you to come and have a listen! If you're in town and I'm not speaking then why not come and check out my awesome church anyway. That's awesome with a capital "O" by the way! We have some great lively and loud worship going on and some great Bible teachers, but the thing I love about c3 Howick is its wonderful family atmosphere. That's not to say that it has lots of kids running around (which it does) but when I say family what I mean is from the day Sarah and I walked in the door we felt like we were with family. Not the family you "love to hate and are only nice to at Christmas time" type of family but the "lets go out and have a picnic and chuck a ball around" type of family. That's what church is all about! But like I said, if you feel like coming to a great church then the doors are open wide...

Oh yeah I should probably tell you where that is - Aviemore Drive, Howick, next to Denny's... there's a great big sign that says Doctor on the front of the building - you can't miss it. I'm there every Sunday (practically) and I would love to meet you!

My call to ministry started when I was 15 and I was sitting in the auditorium during a rehearsal for some Shakespearean play and it dawned on me that if I could successfully memorize Shakespeare and be this excited about it then why couldn't I do the same with the Bible? It occurred to me then that members of other religions are more zealous about their scriptures, that are based on worldly wisdom, than we Christians are about the real Word of God! And here we are with the Holy Spirit to actually help us do it! So the challenge was on... I started memorizing the book of Romans. I didn't make it very far because I decided to switch to the book of Matthew instead... then after a while I switched to Genesis... I was a typical teenager after all. But the seed was sown and I felt more and more convicted that memorizing the scripture was of vital importance to a Christians growth and usefulness in ministry.

Just to be clear I have not memorized even a fraction of the Bible yet and to my dismay I have failed miserably by backsliding for nearly 10 years and in more recent times by forgetting large chunks I thought I already knew... but in keeping with my conviction I keep pushing and it is my deepest desire to one day memorize the entire thing.

One of these days I will write a sermon about it.

So I believe God's revealed will for me in the present is to keep studying and to keep seeking him in prayer and of course to give Bible College my best shot next year.

As far as this site goes I will try to write regular articles about anything I can think of. You might have noticed that I removed some of my secular articles recently but mostly because I want this site to be a sort of meeting place where my friends, family and prayer partners can catch up and see what I am up to.

So this is the bit where I ask without apology that you show your support by remembering me in your prayers. For our fight is not against flesh and blood and your prayers are imperative. I believe that in Heaven I will look back and see the massive amount of devastation our prayers have done to the Devil's domain while simultaneously becoming aware of the enormous impact they have had on the saved who by God's grace have made it into the everlasting kingdom!

I will try to write regular prayer requests but here are some that are pressing at the moment:

1. That my wife and I find the right living situation for next year
2. That we are able to support ourselves financially while I study
3. That I don't let myself get distracted by computer games while I am studying.

I am also setting up a sponsorship Button - strictly for anyone who feels led to show ffinancial support while I step out into the life of ministry and the road to becoming a Pastor.

So that's all for now.

Don't forget that I am on facebook and you can add me for regular updates!

If you have any questions I would love to tackle them so feel free to gmail me at


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